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Accessibility statement on the Kal Caliber Ltd. website

Kal Caliber sees accessibility as an integral part of the company.
The company's concept is based on five leading principles: innovation, excellence, accessibility, transparency and sensitivity.
Here on the website you can find and receive useful information for your convenience, keep up to date on accessibility adjustments and the variety of online services available at the plant.
We work to keep up to date with the legal requirements regarding accessibility and accessibility in order to translate the legal requirements at work in the factory. Also publish the relevant information on the website also in a way that people with hearing or sight disabilities can use it.
Accessibility measures on the site
You can browse the site using TTS - Text To Speech programs that help read written texts to audio.
You can browse the site with the TAB key and make a selection with the ENTER key.
You can skip directly to main areas of the site. This option can be activated by pressing the TAB key on any page of the site.
Photos on the site that are not atmospheric photos also include a written description describing what is seen in them.
The site also includes a search engine for direct content search.
As part of the website design, the color contrast was adjusted to make reading easier for people with visual disabilities.
You can stop moving or flashing components on the site.

The accessible website - improves the comfort and ease of use for people with disabilities.
The site was built in accordance with the regulations of equal rights for people with disabilities (service accessibility adjustments),
2013-and to the standard W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, level AA.
Browsers, content and website structure
Standardization - the site is supported by standard browsers.
Website content - The website content was written in a simple, clear and fluent manner.
The structure of the site - the structure of the site is based on convenient and clear navigation and a menu that allows for easy, simple and quick orientation on the site.
Warranty for accessibility
If you have encountered a problem regarding accessibility, we will be happy if you report it to us and we will take care of fixing it as soon as possible - to the email
We constantly invest efforts in order to provide you with as accessible information as possible on the site. In any case where you encounter information that is not accessible enough for you. If there is a problem, or if you have a comment, question or request for information - we will be happy to be at your disposal, by contacting Aliza, the accessibility coordinator at the company, e-mail:
Or leave a contact by phone: 02-5872288
or by fax: 02-5868222

The following is a description of operations carried out as part of the site's accessibility:
Accessibility menu - in the lower left part of each page, you will find an accessibility menu that allows you to: control the size of the text, control the contrast level of the display, control the font color, turn on highlights for links, block animation and change the font to be more readable.
The website pages can be navigated using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
The site is optimized for surfers who use screen reader software.
The site includes:
Alternative texts for images.
Option to enlarge images.
pdf versions with accessible text - attached to image ads that contain information.
All the documents available on the site are pdf files that are not scanned or word documents..
The accessibility arrangements in the company...
The accessi
bility coordinator in the company is: Aliza, and you can contact him via the email
By fax to the number: 02-5868222

The accessibility statement was last updated on February 13, 2024

Link to the Commission's website:

©2023 by Ruham Oded KCM

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